Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All this with 5 kids...

This post has been a long time in coming and many of you have been waiting anxiously. FINALLY, here are our grades from midterms. The quarter is going really well, but we are definitely busy. It seems that all we do is go to school and come home and study. Our internet at home has been down so it's been hard to find time at school to post this. So many people have said "I don't know how you do it" in regards to us having 5 kids. The answer is "We ARE doing it!" Truth is, we did better than most of our friends on these!! I know that we couldn't do it without Josette though. What a blessing she is to us, even though she may not fully know the depth of that. I know it's hard for her to be here doing what she does day after day, but I'm so thankful that God put it on her heart to come and help us in this way. She is truly a blessing and if she looks at it the right way, this is giving her a lot of life experience that she never had growing up. Would you believe that when she first started babysitting for our kids back in Belleville, she had NEVER babysat before because her mom didn't think she was responsible enough? Her room had YEARS worth of clothes piled on the floor because she didn't get rid of the clothes that she'd outgrown. How she's changed and become a beautiful lady now, not just a little girl. :)

Anyways, here are the long awaited grades.
Anatomy- (K) 86% (T) 92%
Public Health- (K) 92% (T) 90%
BioChem- (K) 73% (T)75% (In this class, 45% of the class failed the exam, so we were more than happy with our Cs.)
Embryology- (K) 86% (T) 89%
Med Terms- (K) 84% (T) 86%
Histology (K) 90% (T) 94%
Intro to Chiro-(K) 89% (T) 89%
Osteology Lab- (K) 85% (T) 95%
Osteology- (K) 80% (T) 88%

Friday, February 8, 2008

Slap Happy

This is today in the library. We were getting a bit slap happy while studying this darn skull!

Grades, Grades, Grades!

I'm so excited about what we have accomplished with our tests so far. While our classes that we've tested in, aren't the hard ones, it's still nice to get good grades and help cushion the GPA a bit, right off the bat. Here's what we've gotten so far.

Med Terms-87%
Public Health-92%

Anatomy- 92%
Med Terms-89%
Public Health-90%

After having 2 rough quarters and failing 2 classes, it's nice to get started out this way. After last quarter I wondered if I was capable of doing this school thing so it's a bit of an ego boost to get started with good grades. The hard tests are coming though. This week we have an Osteology Lab midterm that is approximately of 250 structures of the skull, ribs and vertebrate, only to be asked 20 of them! We also have a Histology (Study of the cells and tissue) test and another Med Terms test. The next week we have BioChem, Osteology and Public Health I believe. We'll see how those go....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wordless Wednesday *2-6-08*

So this is actually Thursday by the time I'm posting this, but just pretend it's Wednesday. ;)

This was in our Osteology lab. These are real human bones that we were 'playing' with today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An Update

Hard to believe that we are already in week 4 of this quarter! Midterms are about a week away already! Even more hard to believe is that in just 6 weeks, Tim will have been in Georgia for a year! Where does the time go??

School is going great, although it's more challenging than I ever expected. It's also much more rewarding. There is something about getting into the actual DC program and feeling like we are actually moving forward now, not taking a bunch of classes toward even starting into the program. There have been some major challenges along the way revolving household issues, but those will be left for private conversations, not open blogs. ;)

We had our first tests on Thursday and did really well on them. While it was only a simple medical terms test, I got an 87 and Tim got an 89. The class average was an 80 so we excelled on it. Just starting off with that grade gave me a bit more confidence that I can do this, even though it was one of the easiest classes we'll be taking. We took an anatomy test yesterday and are still waiting for those results but it wasn't too bad and I expect to do well on it.

Let me update on the kids now; that's what you want to hear about anyways! Mikayla had her first news report this week at school. I haven't seen the video yet but will post it as soon as the school gets it up. We had parent teacher conferences last week and her teacher had high praises for her. She is excelling in everything she does in class and is the leader of the group. She's quick to help out wherever needed. I was excited to hear that since she is in the gifted program now, she will continue to be in it until she leaves the elementary schools. She won't need to be retested at all, as long as we stay in the district. She is reading at a 3.9 reading level (comprehension is 3.0 so it brings the overall down some, but she's only in 1st grade!!!!)
Seth is doing well in class too. His grades have come way up and he too has been placed in a gifted program. He is going to be evaluated for his writing abilities as well and there is a good chance he is put into a gifted program for that too!!! A mom couldn't be more proud!
Then there's Katelyn. Her conference was very good too (much better than I expected.) We never know what to expect with her and her crankiness but she is doing well with school. We have some things to work on but her teacher said that if she can master them by the end of the year, they would like to test HER for the gifted program too!!!!!!!!!!! (Think maybe I can convince all my kids to be chiropractors???) It's nice to know that the kids have adjusted well and that our crazy schedule and hectic life isn't affecting them much. They are such great kids.

Micah is as funny as ever. His new thing is that he tells me that I can't be a doctor. From what I can understand from him, it's because he doesn't want me to be gone. He wants me home with him. How sweet!!!!
Jacob is our little monster at the moment. He's into everything! There isn't really much to say except he looks forward to meeting his future wife....AHEM!!!!! really soon. ;)

Tim? Well, he's still Tim. He's scaring away a friend of mine but refering to her as his new concubine. She's now beginning to understand his weird sense of humor, but it's taking her some time. We haven't let her husband in on the joke yet though. I'm not sure he'll find it as funny as Jamie and Ryan would.

Anyways, that's the update for now. It is time to get the kids ready for bed and hit the books. Public Health test on Thursday that I haven't really looked at yet. It won't be bad but it'll take time.

I'll try to remember to post more often. More tomorrow.... :)

Tuesday Twelve *2-5-08*

Man, where is time going? I had committed to blogging and doing good with it, then got sidetracked by Life....both life in general and Life University. ;) I'll post an update tonight, but here are my Tuesday Twelve.

1. I'm feeling a bit down today.

2. I miss my friends like crazy.

3. I got an 87 on my first test!!!!!

4. I feel so fulfilled while going to school.

5. I wish that I had a house cleaning genie.

6. When I get upset or stressed, I reach for chocolate.

7. I really want a night at FireFly!!!

8. I'm going to be an aunt again in September. My sister is pregnant with her second!

9. I want to start working out, but don't have the time.

10. I'm trying to learn to live in the moment, but really want to be done with school so I can start my practice and 'get on with life'.

11. I didn't get to vote in the primaries and am pretty bummed

12. I'm not sure who I would have voted for anyways.