Monday, March 5, 2007

Monday Mournings 3/5/07

This probably isn't the best day for me to start this. It was a pretty rough weekend and so I'm not going to go into all that. The one thing I took from this weekend is God is Faithful. If you read my Mother-In-Law Day post, you'll understand a bit about what my weekend entailed...a conversation with MIL and FIL. Anyways, we also had some good times this weekend. On Friday we took the younger kids out for the day while the older ones were in school. We went to McD for breakfast and then had a ton of errands.

Saturday I hit up a Mom2Mom sale and did really well. I got a ton of clothes for the girls, which are desperately needed for summer.

Sunday was our weekly home church at our house and it was SO good. If you haven't heard of Gary Keesee, you need to check him out. His understanding of Kingdom Finances is AMAZING!!!

What do I expect this week. Let's see. I have parent teacher conferences on Thursday so that will be fun. I get really good reports on these two kids so it'll be smooth sailing I'm sure. I also have a midwife appointment that day for my 6 week check up (even though I'll be 8 1/2 weeks).

Wednesday, my best friend and I are going shopping. We are going to a jazz club/martini bar next week and they are doing Latin Night so we need to find some cute outfits to wear for dance lessons. We are also shopping for stuff for a Care Package for our friend Lincoln who is in Israel til August. He's pretty lonely so we are shopping for him. He's a riot, so it should be fun to see what crazy stuff we can send.

Other than that, nothing much happening this week. The kids have Thursday and Friday off school so I may do something fun one of those days with them.

Hope everyone has a great Monday

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