I have so many ideas floating around my head. I'm going to get this blog moving and I hope that someone will come along, find it and have fun with it and that I can meet some new people, make new friends and just have fun. Here's my plan. Everyday I'm going to journal about from the site Holiday For Everyday. If you haven't seen it, check it out. There really IS a reason to celebrate everyday!! I'm going to pick one reason to celebrate and write something about it. I'm also going to start a segment that will go everyday. Here's how it will work...
Sunday Seven-I got this idea from another site and hope to link with them. This will be one thing from each day of the previous week that I am thankful for or really enjoyed.
Monday Mournings-This is just the complaints (or joys) about having to start a new week, the updates from the weekend, the expectations for the week.
Tuesday Twelve-This will be like David Letterman's Top 10 List but will involve me, things I enjoy, my family, etc.
Wordless Wednesdays-Wednesdays will be devoted to a picture, no words. I want to see your picture too (whatever it may be) so stop by and post it.
Thursday Thankfullness-Thursdays will be about a prayer of thanksgiving. We don't thank God for His blessings often enough!
Friday Funnies-Simple...jokes, jokes and more jokes
Saturday I still have to come up with something for this.
I'm hoping to have fun, so let's get started.
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