Sunday, June 28, 2009

JodiBear's Homebirth Story

(Posted with permission)Congrats on a great homebirth Momma!!

He was born at home on 1-13-09, weighing in at 9lbs. 2oz. and 21 1/4" long :) It was definitely one of the most amazing and precious experiences of my life.

Early the Saturday morning prior, I got up early and decided to take a shower, but just before I stepped in I felt a "pop" and felt a small gush... my water broke. I woke my husband and took a shower and waited for labor to begin... and waited. I called my midwife, Liz O'Shea, and she told me to call her back when contractions were about 10 minutes apart. So, we waited. I wasn't leaking any amniotic fluid since the initial gush, so I began to wonder what was going on and questioning whether or not my water had actually broken. Sunday morning arrived and still no labor. So, that afternoon Liz & her assistant arrived and we attempted to get labor started naturally. I had taken castor oil the night before but no labor. We used blue and black cohosh, and i kept moving. Although I had mild and regular contractions for a while, dilation stopped at 3cm. That evening Liz told us we had to decide what our next step would be since we were approaching 48 hrs. and no labor. However, I still had not leaked any amniotic fluid and the test Liz did was negative. We decided the next morning we would go to the hospital and have them check to see if my water had in deed ruptured and that baby was doing okay, and go from there. I was terrified of possibly facing a hospital induction. Our trip to the hospital luckily turned out to be a huge relief. They found no amniotic fluid and baby was fine. The doctor said my water may have indeed broken and then resealed if it was high and tiny. So, we were back to waiting as if nothing had ever happened. That Tuesday morning I got up and went to work, planning to leave early if I was too miserable. I was tired from the weekend events, but didn't want to sit home. By lunchtime I decided to leave early and just before I left work... "pop", gush... here we go again. This time I didn't call anybody except my husband, not expecting anything to happen... I went to lunch with my friend Ann. While at lunch I began having some mild and regular contractions. I went home and called my friend Chrissy who came over to sit with me until my husband got home, just in case. This time fluid began leaking. We decided to go for a walk to get things going. After the walk, contractions were regular and getting stronger, so I called my husband Chris, and I called Liz. Then everything started happening very fast, my husband was home about 20 minutes after I called him, and at that point the contractions were so strong that I went upstairs to stay until the birth. They were getting so strong so fast that I was having trouble coping. Liz arrived and checked me, 7cm.She suggested I try getting into the tub. I tried it, but wasnt comfortable and got out. Once I was out, I was pushing. Yes, I dilated that fast! 20 mins later, Casey was born. Thanks to Liz, not a single teaer : ) I was so thankful to have him at home! (and after only 2 hrs of truly active labor!)

Blessings! I'll be busy nursing my little boobie monster now!

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