This is the kind of thing that we of moms of girls are up against!!! is a site geared to 7-17 year old girls. Remember playing with Barbies? Remember when parents started getting upset because of Barbie pushing a new body ideal of what perfect was? Barbie had perfect boobs, perfect hips, the perfect little waist. Barbie then started having more professional careers, in an attempt to help empower our young girls, through their play, to become doctors, veterinarians and politiciand.
While my 7 year old daughter is busy playing with Webkinz or Barbie online, now there is this virtual bimbo game. In Miss Bimbo, girls are encouraged to purge and have eating disorders, get breast implants and find a sugar daddy to support their shopping habits.
The games creators think that the game is harmless fun, while our youngest daughters are being taught that plastic surgery and diet pills will make them popular. Our daughters face so many challenges when it comes to advertising. They are the target of constant ads being placed that have 'beautiful' women who have large breasts, blond hair, blue eyes and are size 3s. Our daughters don't understand that the real world isn't all women in that range. Even the 'teen magazines' are covered in articles about image and weight. Everything right now is stacked against our daughters.
When you manage to get to load, there is a message on there from the creators. It says "As a result of this rather surprising media attention we have decided to remove the option of purchasing diet pills from the game. We apologise to any players whom this may inconvenience but we feel in light of this weeks proceedings it is the correct action to take.
We would also like to sincerely apologise to our players for the media comparison of Miss Bimbo and Paris Hilton. We feel that this does a dis-service to the players whom send their bimbos to university, tea parties or chess tournaments.
At this time we would also like to remind players that the Miss Bimbo team assume no responsibility or liability for any fashion faux pas, hair style disasters or boob jobs incurred in real life as as a result of playing the Miss Bimbo game."
They KNOW that girls go out and have these things done in real life, and are trying to cover their butts. Instead of encouraging girls that this is 'just a game' and to not try these things at home, they are more worried about the 'what ifs' in case girls do go have them done. And they are concerned that their bimbos are being compared to Paris Hilton??? I think the comparison is a real one! I mean lets see a comparison...
Hhhhmmm, do you see comparions??? I think "I" do!!!!
Another question, is why are we allowing the term 'bimbo'? If a game were created that used the 'N word' and was targeted at young black girls, would everyone stand by and support it? Why are we allowing our daughters to be targets??? If the a game as created that was called "The Pimp" and was targeted at getting our boys to find girls to prostitute, do drugs, sleep around, would we stand by and watch, silently? It's time we as parents stand up and voice our concerns over the media and ads geared toward our daughters. We need to begin to protect them!!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Powerful Women
Powerful women come in all shapes and sizes. They come in all religions, all nationalities and all colors. They are moms, they are teachers, they are pastors, politicians and store clerks. Every woman carries within her the ability for greatness and power, but how do we go about finding that? When you think about world changing women, who comes to mind? Joan of Arc? Rosa Parks? Princess Diana? Mother Theresa? Queen Elizabeth? [url=""]Amma[/url]? The list goes on forever.
What makes these women so powerful? It isn't necessarily their pride or their education. It isn't necessarily their 'Type A personality'. It isn't their looks or their financial status. It's their passion. It's their drive for life, their longing to change the things around them and better their world. Amma is a great example. This woman's only goal is to show love. She has millions of followers and all she does is kiss and hug them and tell them a small word of encouragement. She doesn't have to stand up from a pulpit and preach about love. She demonstrates it. Mother Teresa was the same way. She spent her days wtih the 'unlovely' and 'unlovable'. She had a following of people because of her passion for life and her desire to make a difference, no matter how small. She set out to change the world, one person at a time.
What makes you a woman of greatness and power? What is it within you that excites your heart, makes you come alive? Finding out what this thing is, will change your life. It will bring you a new sense of purpose and in that purpose comes your power. Whether your purpose is to change the world in a huge way or to change it by changing your children, the cause is great. No woman is without purpose. None of us without something that truly excited us. Find that thing, and set out to achieve it. Become a powerful woman of purpose!!!
What makes these women so powerful? It isn't necessarily their pride or their education. It isn't necessarily their 'Type A personality'. It isn't their looks or their financial status. It's their passion. It's their drive for life, their longing to change the things around them and better their world. Amma is a great example. This woman's only goal is to show love. She has millions of followers and all she does is kiss and hug them and tell them a small word of encouragement. She doesn't have to stand up from a pulpit and preach about love. She demonstrates it. Mother Teresa was the same way. She spent her days wtih the 'unlovely' and 'unlovable'. She had a following of people because of her passion for life and her desire to make a difference, no matter how small. She set out to change the world, one person at a time.
What makes you a woman of greatness and power? What is it within you that excites your heart, makes you come alive? Finding out what this thing is, will change your life. It will bring you a new sense of purpose and in that purpose comes your power. Whether your purpose is to change the world in a huge way or to change it by changing your children, the cause is great. No woman is without purpose. None of us without something that truly excited us. Find that thing, and set out to achieve it. Become a powerful woman of purpose!!!
Back to it's purpose
I created this as a way to educate women about pregnancy, birth, their bodies, their hormones and just post about women's issues in general. I managed to get away from that this year and turn it into my personal blog (mostly so my family back home would keep up on things going on with us). Well, since NONE of them read it and only one friend does, I'm going to switch gears and go back to what it was intended for. Hopefully it'll then grow some and bring in a small following of women who are interested in these same sorts of things.
Don't worry Karen, I'll start a new one about our family...nothing but MILANO!!!! ;)
Don't worry Karen, I'll start a new one about our family...nothing but MILANO!!!! ;)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
An Amazing Birth Story
I was reading some birth stories today and I love what this lady says. She says it so perfectly that I decided to go ahead and post it.
"We are "taught" to fear birth, not embrace it. We are treated as if we are not "qualified" to understand the process or reason to give life which leaves us disoriented, depressed and detached. We are indoctrinated with myth instead of truth to support an insignificant and unneeded field of "medicine". To neonatal and infant surgeons, I tip my hat of respect to you; but to the many men and women OB's who "manage" normal pregnancies and meddle with a natural process turning it from peaceful to pathological for sake of experimentation, self importance or money; you are to me, a tool of ignorance that has injured many generations of innocence. For you I have pity.
If my story plays even a small part to change the evolution of though concerning birth in just one woman and help her "UN"learn the lies and deception that has forced many of us into unnecessary situations, procedures and in some cases statistics, and help her trust her body; then I would forever be grateful, humbled and satisfied. Our body was designed to give birth, and we should not tread lightly on the canvas of the one who created them. Let the truth be the healing balm to hurting wombs everywhere."
This is an AMAZING read and I highly recommend the time it takes to read it.
"We are "taught" to fear birth, not embrace it. We are treated as if we are not "qualified" to understand the process or reason to give life which leaves us disoriented, depressed and detached. We are indoctrinated with myth instead of truth to support an insignificant and unneeded field of "medicine". To neonatal and infant surgeons, I tip my hat of respect to you; but to the many men and women OB's who "manage" normal pregnancies and meddle with a natural process turning it from peaceful to pathological for sake of experimentation, self importance or money; you are to me, a tool of ignorance that has injured many generations of innocence. For you I have pity.
If my story plays even a small part to change the evolution of though concerning birth in just one woman and help her "UN"learn the lies and deception that has forced many of us into unnecessary situations, procedures and in some cases statistics, and help her trust her body; then I would forever be grateful, humbled and satisfied. Our body was designed to give birth, and we should not tread lightly on the canvas of the one who created them. Let the truth be the healing balm to hurting wombs everywhere."
This is an AMAZING read and I highly recommend the time it takes to read it.
Pain Free Childbirth and Dealing with Fear
In spite of all the advertising touting "home-like" birthing rooms in hospitals, for most women, a hospital birth will be nothing like a home birth. Interventions are routine in the hospitals in my state. Every laboring woman will be hooked up for some period of time to an electronic fetal monitor, given vaginal exams, and be told where and in what position she must give birth. If her membranes are ruptured, she will be required to deliver her baby within a certain time period. If her labor is moving too slowly, she will be given pitocin to augment it or have her water artificially ruptured. She will be told how many companions she may have with her. If she has other children she may or may not include them at the birth. How long she is kept in the hospital will vary depending on her physicianand the particular hospital. How soon her baby will be released also will depend on the baby's pediatrician and hospital policy. Some of the more common interventions that take place during hospital births are discussed below.
Artificially breaking the amniotic sac is done routinely at many hospitals to speed labor up, get labor going, to test thefluid or to get it out of the way so that an internal monitor can be screwed into the baby's head. It was believed that breaking the water would speed up labor by 30 to 60 minutes butthe only randomized control trial done disproved this. This procedure causes cord prolapse, a serious complication for the baby and increases the chances of an infection. With less amniotic fluid in the uterus during labor, the baby has a greater risk of cord compression problems leading to fetal distress and malpositions of the head.
Nearly every woman giving birth in a hospital will receive a drug at some point during her stay. Pitocin is frequently usedto induce or augment labor. Because it causes abnormally strong contractions, many women receive a pain-relieving drug such as a narcotic. Unfortunately, narcotics also are received by the baby and can affect the condition of the baby at birth and for years after. Some of these side effects are respiratory problems,impaired muscular, visual and neural development in the firstweek of life and in the following years, lower reading and spelling scores, difficulty in solving problems or performing tasks when they pose a challenge.
The new drug of choice at many hospitals is the epidural. It must be administered by an anesthesiologist and requires the mother to remain in bed afterward. She must be flushed with an IV fluid prior to getting it to keep her blood pressure up. A needle is inserted into the woman's back and small catheter is left in place where the medication is injected. It numbs the woman's body from the ribs to the toes. Many women ask for this drug because they do not want to deal with the pain of childbirth and believe it is safe for themselves and their babies because the physician who administered it, their obstetrician and the labor and delivery nurses all encourage the use of it and give no information regarding side effects.
The known complications are many ranging from requiring EFM, IV, immobility, urinary catheterization. An epidural also may allow no sensation of labor or the pushing urge, lower blood pressure, abnormally relax the pelvic muscles which may encourage the baby to adopt malpositions of the head, may decrease the production of oxytocin at critical times, and increase the need for forceps and cesarean section. Epidurals cause some serious complications such as heart attack, spinal damage, and spinal headache. After the birth, chronic backache is a common complaint as well as backache. The baby may be exposed to narcotic drugs given to enhance the effect of the epidural and which if given alone can compromise the baby's respiratory efforts as well as require the newborn to metabolize the drugs. We do not know the short or long term effects of the epidural or other drugs on the baby. Some claim that the baby is unaffected unless the mother becomes hypotensive. Some non-interventionist birth attendants recognize that occasionally epidurals may be useful for certain situations. Some examples when an epidural may permit a normal birth are for maternal exhaustion, severe back labor, certain malpresentations or psychological dystocia. Although the FDA approves drugs as safe or unsafe, they have no definition of safe and do not guarantee safety of drugs. Many who work with brain damaged children, wonder if the disability is due to obstetric drug use. They also question if women would make the drug choice if they were given complete information about side effects. The American Academy of Pediatricians discourages the routine use of obstetric drugs.
This procedure is still done routinely at many hospitals, although no research proves any benefits for the mother or baby. Home birth and natural birth advocates recognize that for the vast majority of women, the process of labor will empty thebowels.
Although many believe that an ep[isiotomy is necessary to have a baby to prevent damage to the baby's head, prevent trauma tothe mother's perineum and the cut will heal faster and prevent3rd and 4th degree tears, no research supports these myths. Shiela Kitzinger writes that 9 out of 10 American women will have an episiotomy with her first baby although in Holland, only 2 or 3 out of 10 will. The facts are that episiotomy is a cultural phenomena. Research shows that episiotomy is donebecause the doctor was trained to do it, not because it was anecessary procedure. It can be avoided by using more physiologic positions to give birth (not lithotomy), pushing only when mom feels need to, giving birth gently, slowly to thehead, preparing for the birth by doing perineal massage andKegel exercise, avoiding forceps delivery.
Forceps are obstetrical tools which are shaped like large spoons have been in use since the 1500's. Years ago, forceps were used for many problems which are now handled by cesarean section. Today, most forceps deliveries are low forceps, which means they are applied when the babies head is low in the pelvis and birth is imminent. According to Henci Goer, "There is no research to support the elective use of forceps.
"The risks to the mother are perineal trauma, extensive episiotomy, possible extension tearing from episiotomy, hematoma and nerve damage. Lasting effects of forceps or vacuum extraction to the mother may be anal incontinence in spite of a repaired third degree tear. The baby may have damage to the head, eyes, the nerves that lead to the face and neck and arms. However, an article written by a physician which appeared in Parents magazine claims, "Medical studies comparing outlet forceps deliveries with spontaneous (no forceps) deliveries have shown that there is no difference in risk to the baby."(Emphasis mine)
Vacuum extraction is a newer technology that sometimes takesthe place of forceps. As with low forceps, the baby's head must be very low in the pelvis before the suction cup can be attached. It has the benefit of not requiring an episiotomy andmaternal perineal trauma is less than with forceps, but the babystill has the possibility of trauma to the head and face.Chiropractors also recognize that pulling a baby out by thehead changes the spinal alignment, although this is notrecognized in any medical texts.
Along with the lithotomy position comes immobility. It is impossible to move around when you are flat on your back. It's even more difficult if you have internal and external fetal monitors attached to your body, an IV running into your arm and after a narcotic drug was given to "take the edge off." It goes without saying, that if you had an epidural, you would not be going anywhere at all as your legs would have no feeling.
Some hospitals encourage walking and moving around. Others do not like you to be out of your room, which may be quite small and loaded with equipment, making any real walking about nearly impossible. Studies have shown that moving about and being upright can shorten labor as well as changing positions.
According to statistics from the health department in Wisconsin, one-third of all births in that state are the result of induction, the artificial starting of labor. Most inductions are accomplished using pitocin in an intravenous solution or artificially rupturing the amniotic sac. The reasons for doing this are many. One of the most common for healthy full-term women, is fear of going too far past the "due date" and having a baby with postmature syndrome or meconium staining. Another reason is fear of having a big baby.
Benefits of inducing would seem to be avoiding postmature syndrome, attempting to deliver a baby that had grown too big for the mother and bypassing meconium staining. However, studies fail to confirm this line of thought. The actual amountof time needed for a baby to grow to term varies and figuring an exact due date for each baby has not yet been done. Ultrasounds have at best a 10 day window of error if done in the first trimester. The phenomenon of postdates, is poorly understood. Macrosomia occurs prior to postdates as does "postmaturesyndrome." (p. 181) The entity of postmature syndrome is based on a single physicians "subjective evaluation of 37 babies." Research seems to indicate that watchful waiting is the more prudent course of action for healthy women.
At a great many U.S. institutions, one of the first items of care to be rendered to the obstetric patient will be her IV,"just in case." Just in case she needs drugs or surgery or her veins collapse making insertion of an IV impossible. Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois Estner interviewed many labor and delivery nurses to find out how frequently a laboring woman's veins collapsed. They learned that this does not happen. This is not the way birth happens in other nations, where a laboring woman is permitted to eat and drink lightly. This cultural warping began in the 1940's when anesthesia was being given to nearly all birthing women by mask and vomiting and food aspiration were risks associated with this. Eliminating food and drink, they felt would eliminate this risk. Today, however, anesthesia methods have improved and this is no longer the problem it once was. Improved intubation techniques make this problem virtually a thing of the past. Doris Haire, a maternity care writer, in looking at 20 years of medical literature on aspiration during surgery found that the cause was not eating or drinking prior to the surgery, but caused by incompetence of the anesthesiologist.
General anesthesia is given to approximately 4% of those who undergo cesarean section. Approximately 0.3% cesarean surgeries will require intubation that will be difficult to do yet not all women who require intubation will aspirate. This translates into denying all laboring women food and drink because 1 cesarean sectioned woman out of 10,000 may aspirate.
Although IV's are supposed to keep the stomach empty, a glucoseIV actually works to slow down the emptying of the stomach. It also may encourage tissues to swell so that it makes it moredifficult to intubate, if that becomes necessary. IV fluidaccumulates in the bladder and that may slow down labor. Somewomen may have sensitivities to the IV and have a reaction fromone. It restricts the woman's mobility. The needle in the arm ispainful and inhibits free movement. The baby also may suffer from the mother's IV, as studies are being done to determine if the excessive sugar administered through a glucose IV may harmthe baby.
About The Author: Yvonne Lapp Cryns is the owner of - Yvonne is the co-founder of Nursing Programs Online at a contributor to The Compleat Mother Magazine at . Yvonne is also a law school graduate, a registered nurse and a Certified ProfessionalMidwife.
Artificially breaking the amniotic sac is done routinely at many hospitals to speed labor up, get labor going, to test thefluid or to get it out of the way so that an internal monitor can be screwed into the baby's head. It was believed that breaking the water would speed up labor by 30 to 60 minutes butthe only randomized control trial done disproved this. This procedure causes cord prolapse, a serious complication for the baby and increases the chances of an infection. With less amniotic fluid in the uterus during labor, the baby has a greater risk of cord compression problems leading to fetal distress and malpositions of the head.
Nearly every woman giving birth in a hospital will receive a drug at some point during her stay. Pitocin is frequently usedto induce or augment labor. Because it causes abnormally strong contractions, many women receive a pain-relieving drug such as a narcotic. Unfortunately, narcotics also are received by the baby and can affect the condition of the baby at birth and for years after. Some of these side effects are respiratory problems,impaired muscular, visual and neural development in the firstweek of life and in the following years, lower reading and spelling scores, difficulty in solving problems or performing tasks when they pose a challenge.
The new drug of choice at many hospitals is the epidural. It must be administered by an anesthesiologist and requires the mother to remain in bed afterward. She must be flushed with an IV fluid prior to getting it to keep her blood pressure up. A needle is inserted into the woman's back and small catheter is left in place where the medication is injected. It numbs the woman's body from the ribs to the toes. Many women ask for this drug because they do not want to deal with the pain of childbirth and believe it is safe for themselves and their babies because the physician who administered it, their obstetrician and the labor and delivery nurses all encourage the use of it and give no information regarding side effects.
The known complications are many ranging from requiring EFM, IV, immobility, urinary catheterization. An epidural also may allow no sensation of labor or the pushing urge, lower blood pressure, abnormally relax the pelvic muscles which may encourage the baby to adopt malpositions of the head, may decrease the production of oxytocin at critical times, and increase the need for forceps and cesarean section. Epidurals cause some serious complications such as heart attack, spinal damage, and spinal headache. After the birth, chronic backache is a common complaint as well as backache. The baby may be exposed to narcotic drugs given to enhance the effect of the epidural and which if given alone can compromise the baby's respiratory efforts as well as require the newborn to metabolize the drugs. We do not know the short or long term effects of the epidural or other drugs on the baby. Some claim that the baby is unaffected unless the mother becomes hypotensive. Some non-interventionist birth attendants recognize that occasionally epidurals may be useful for certain situations. Some examples when an epidural may permit a normal birth are for maternal exhaustion, severe back labor, certain malpresentations or psychological dystocia. Although the FDA approves drugs as safe or unsafe, they have no definition of safe and do not guarantee safety of drugs. Many who work with brain damaged children, wonder if the disability is due to obstetric drug use. They also question if women would make the drug choice if they were given complete information about side effects. The American Academy of Pediatricians discourages the routine use of obstetric drugs.
This procedure is still done routinely at many hospitals, although no research proves any benefits for the mother or baby. Home birth and natural birth advocates recognize that for the vast majority of women, the process of labor will empty thebowels.
Although many believe that an ep[isiotomy is necessary to have a baby to prevent damage to the baby's head, prevent trauma tothe mother's perineum and the cut will heal faster and prevent3rd and 4th degree tears, no research supports these myths. Shiela Kitzinger writes that 9 out of 10 American women will have an episiotomy with her first baby although in Holland, only 2 or 3 out of 10 will. The facts are that episiotomy is a cultural phenomena. Research shows that episiotomy is donebecause the doctor was trained to do it, not because it was anecessary procedure. It can be avoided by using more physiologic positions to give birth (not lithotomy), pushing only when mom feels need to, giving birth gently, slowly to thehead, preparing for the birth by doing perineal massage andKegel exercise, avoiding forceps delivery.
Forceps are obstetrical tools which are shaped like large spoons have been in use since the 1500's. Years ago, forceps were used for many problems which are now handled by cesarean section. Today, most forceps deliveries are low forceps, which means they are applied when the babies head is low in the pelvis and birth is imminent. According to Henci Goer, "There is no research to support the elective use of forceps.
"The risks to the mother are perineal trauma, extensive episiotomy, possible extension tearing from episiotomy, hematoma and nerve damage. Lasting effects of forceps or vacuum extraction to the mother may be anal incontinence in spite of a repaired third degree tear. The baby may have damage to the head, eyes, the nerves that lead to the face and neck and arms. However, an article written by a physician which appeared in Parents magazine claims, "Medical studies comparing outlet forceps deliveries with spontaneous (no forceps) deliveries have shown that there is no difference in risk to the baby."(Emphasis mine)
Vacuum extraction is a newer technology that sometimes takesthe place of forceps. As with low forceps, the baby's head must be very low in the pelvis before the suction cup can be attached. It has the benefit of not requiring an episiotomy andmaternal perineal trauma is less than with forceps, but the babystill has the possibility of trauma to the head and face.Chiropractors also recognize that pulling a baby out by thehead changes the spinal alignment, although this is notrecognized in any medical texts.
Along with the lithotomy position comes immobility. It is impossible to move around when you are flat on your back. It's even more difficult if you have internal and external fetal monitors attached to your body, an IV running into your arm and after a narcotic drug was given to "take the edge off." It goes without saying, that if you had an epidural, you would not be going anywhere at all as your legs would have no feeling.
Some hospitals encourage walking and moving around. Others do not like you to be out of your room, which may be quite small and loaded with equipment, making any real walking about nearly impossible. Studies have shown that moving about and being upright can shorten labor as well as changing positions.
According to statistics from the health department in Wisconsin, one-third of all births in that state are the result of induction, the artificial starting of labor. Most inductions are accomplished using pitocin in an intravenous solution or artificially rupturing the amniotic sac. The reasons for doing this are many. One of the most common for healthy full-term women, is fear of going too far past the "due date" and having a baby with postmature syndrome or meconium staining. Another reason is fear of having a big baby.
Benefits of inducing would seem to be avoiding postmature syndrome, attempting to deliver a baby that had grown too big for the mother and bypassing meconium staining. However, studies fail to confirm this line of thought. The actual amountof time needed for a baby to grow to term varies and figuring an exact due date for each baby has not yet been done. Ultrasounds have at best a 10 day window of error if done in the first trimester. The phenomenon of postdates, is poorly understood. Macrosomia occurs prior to postdates as does "postmaturesyndrome." (p. 181) The entity of postmature syndrome is based on a single physicians "subjective evaluation of 37 babies." Research seems to indicate that watchful waiting is the more prudent course of action for healthy women.
At a great many U.S. institutions, one of the first items of care to be rendered to the obstetric patient will be her IV,"just in case." Just in case she needs drugs or surgery or her veins collapse making insertion of an IV impossible. Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois Estner interviewed many labor and delivery nurses to find out how frequently a laboring woman's veins collapsed. They learned that this does not happen. This is not the way birth happens in other nations, where a laboring woman is permitted to eat and drink lightly. This cultural warping began in the 1940's when anesthesia was being given to nearly all birthing women by mask and vomiting and food aspiration were risks associated with this. Eliminating food and drink, they felt would eliminate this risk. Today, however, anesthesia methods have improved and this is no longer the problem it once was. Improved intubation techniques make this problem virtually a thing of the past. Doris Haire, a maternity care writer, in looking at 20 years of medical literature on aspiration during surgery found that the cause was not eating or drinking prior to the surgery, but caused by incompetence of the anesthesiologist.
General anesthesia is given to approximately 4% of those who undergo cesarean section. Approximately 0.3% cesarean surgeries will require intubation that will be difficult to do yet not all women who require intubation will aspirate. This translates into denying all laboring women food and drink because 1 cesarean sectioned woman out of 10,000 may aspirate.
Although IV's are supposed to keep the stomach empty, a glucoseIV actually works to slow down the emptying of the stomach. It also may encourage tissues to swell so that it makes it moredifficult to intubate, if that becomes necessary. IV fluidaccumulates in the bladder and that may slow down labor. Somewomen may have sensitivities to the IV and have a reaction fromone. It restricts the woman's mobility. The needle in the arm ispainful and inhibits free movement. The baby also may suffer from the mother's IV, as studies are being done to determine if the excessive sugar administered through a glucose IV may harmthe baby.
About The Author: Yvonne Lapp Cryns is the owner of - Yvonne is the co-founder of Nursing Programs Online at a contributor to The Compleat Mother Magazine at . Yvonne is also a law school graduate, a registered nurse and a Certified ProfessionalMidwife.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Atlanta Tornadoes
This weekend we had some amazingly insane weather hit the area. Fortunately we weren't hit, but it literally went about 3 miles south of us. Seth was at a birthday party and I didn't really think much about it since we didn't have it bad by us, but he told me stories later of golfball size hail, horrible wind, tornado sirens and power outages. It was a scarey realization to know my son was at Chuck E Cheese that was in the midst of the storm and I wasn't there with him. So scarey! In the last 3 weeks or so, we've had at least 4 MAJOR storms come through here, knocking down trees, cutting out power and causing serious damage. While we need the rain and it's always welcomed, the wind and tornados can stay away. Here are a couple pictures of the tornadoes that hit downtown Atlanta. The CNN tower, Omni Hotel, Westin and many buildings were hit. Centennail Park (where the Olympics were held) is a 'war zone'. Many roads are closed and a lot of buildings are probably going to have to be torn down. They say that the tornado cut a path of destruction 6 miles long!!!! While it was scarey for all of us, the stories of survival and these pictures are truly amazing.
This is one of my favorites I've seen. I took all of these off of so won't be abe to keep them up for long.
This is one of my favorites I've seen. I took all of these off of so won't be abe to keep them up for long.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What a day
Nothing like a 75* day in March!!! Josette was outside and got FRIED on the shoulders. The flowers and trees are blooming and today I saw a budding Magnolia tree, which is my favorite of the flowering trees. Ah....gotta love this weather!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Monday Mournings *3-10-08*
I have a really rough day yesterday. Not one I'd like to repeat again, but a place I'm still finding myself this morning. It's a very dark place. A low place. A lonely place. A place of isolation, desperation and suffocation. As this blog progresses I'll talk more about it. I want to talk about it to get it out, but I want to keep it locked away as my own little secret too so this is going to be a tough one.
Since starting school, I've found myself in a new place of fulfillment. I love school and remember years ago saying that I could be a fulltime college student. I'm loving this aspect of life and the challenge that it's providing (although I still think I may be in WAY over my head, but that's a different story). For the most part, I then love coming home. I love the hugs my kids give me when I walk in the door, but then the fighting starts. Over the weekend I got tired of breaking up the fights. It's all they did was fight, tattle and call my name. I didn't want to be here anymore; I wanted to be back at school. I looked forward to my alarm going off at 5:30 Monday morning so that I could know I was going back to peace and quiet. I cringed everytime the kids said my name. I knew it was going to be followed by "Seth did....", "Mikayla touched....." or some other going on about how someone had done something to them. As the weekend wore on, my emotions got more and more out of control. I started beating myself up for being a 'bad mom', but at the same time, not doing anything to change it. I told Tim I was running away (joking of course) but inside I really wished at that moment that I could.
By the end of the night, I made the mistake of watching Extreme Home Makeover and Oprah's Big Give. I normally love these shows and they are weekly highlights for me, but this week, they just set me off. Some people just seem to have all the luck, while others of us have to beat our heads against the wall day after day after day, just to survive. The family on EHM was a family in WV who had 7 people in their family, not unlike my own. They lived in a very small house (that they owned). While my house is bigger than theirs, it's not mine. I can't afford to buy a house. Did this family deserve a house? Sure. They were involved in community activities and were always gracious about helping and serving. This is where I started to get irritated. How much have Tim and I given? How many times have we opened up our home for various people so they could 'get back on their feet'. The first couple who lived with us stayed with us at my parents apartment above their store. I had 2 kids, pregnant with the 3rd and they had 2 kids. We had 8 of us in a 1200 sq ft apartment, that smelled like fried chicken all the time cause the frier vent was right outside my door. When they left, they had infested my house with cockroaches, not something we are used to in the north unless you are D-I-R-T-Y, which they were. But I served and I gave and I did it willingly out of the love I had for people. God would want me to serve them in this way and help them get on their feet. They since have moved to CA, then to Alaska, where she had a 3rd baby, decided she had enough and left her husband and all 3 kids. I've heard rumors she's remarried and the kids are still with her Ex. :( So sad. I won't go into the other stories of people staying with us...the last for 2 years!!!! We've served our church back home more than most people ever did. There were times where we never saw each other because Tim was gone ALL the time doing things for the pastors. Again, gracious giving. He loved serving people and loved being part of something. At the end of EHM, they surprise the family by saying that someone anonymously paid off their mortgage. Not only did they get this beautiful home built for them, they got it completely paid off! Why them????
After that, Big Give came on. If you haven't seen the show it's really got a great premise. Oprah gives each person money and they have to go out and serve someone who touches them. There are some truly touching stories on it and the people are really blessed by the money they receive. One team this week took their money and was able to turn it into $200,000 in 48 hours to help an orphanage! One team turned theirs into $20,000 to help a soldier and his family. I sat there by the end, screaming at the tv. Where's MY help? All I want is my teeth fixed. I've begged and pleaded for years. I've prayed a dentst would come forward and volunteer his time and resources. Problem is, my story doesn't appear 'big enough'. My story isn't going to bring in the ratings, so you'll probably never see me on Oprah. Fulltime college student going to be a chiropractor, alongside her husband doing fulltime school at the same time for the same thing, relocate their family of 5 kids from Michigan to Georgia. Living 100% on student loans so everything we buy, every bill we pay, etc will have a 6% interest tacked on to it starting 6 months after we graduate....graduate with a $200,000 debt load EACH! And all I want is some major dental work done, but I'm on my own. I'm slowly feeling myself suffocating behind my smile. Everday when the other students (who drive Lexus and Mercedes and have perfect white smileis) that when they talk to me, they aren't looking at my eyes but my teeth. Are they? I don't know, but it feels like it. I am going to into a profession that professionalism and friendliness count, and I'm finding myself smiling less and less, all over something that could be fixed and corrected with a few thousand dollars. And dental insurance? Don't get me started on that! $1000/mo is all they allow and that fixes what? One root canal these days???
I know there are people far worse off than me. I understand that, which is why I've been one to give as much as I can. Shoot, several months ago I took my money and bought someone at school $100 worth of groceries. He's living on the same student loans that we are and it's just him and his wife, but something had happened and they needed help so I took it from my own money and gave it to him. I don't ask for much. I'm not asking for a house, a car, someone to pay my bills. I just want dental help, and no one is there to fulfill MY dream. :(
Ok, pity party over for today. I know this was a MONDAY Mourning and it's Tuesday but it took me awhile to decide if I ws going to really write it. There is so much more, so many places on this to fill in and change, but for now this has to do. I'm off to school to face another day of learning and hopefully bring a smile back to my face.
Since starting school, I've found myself in a new place of fulfillment. I love school and remember years ago saying that I could be a fulltime college student. I'm loving this aspect of life and the challenge that it's providing (although I still think I may be in WAY over my head, but that's a different story). For the most part, I then love coming home. I love the hugs my kids give me when I walk in the door, but then the fighting starts. Over the weekend I got tired of breaking up the fights. It's all they did was fight, tattle and call my name. I didn't want to be here anymore; I wanted to be back at school. I looked forward to my alarm going off at 5:30 Monday morning so that I could know I was going back to peace and quiet. I cringed everytime the kids said my name. I knew it was going to be followed by "Seth did....", "Mikayla touched....." or some other going on about how someone had done something to them. As the weekend wore on, my emotions got more and more out of control. I started beating myself up for being a 'bad mom', but at the same time, not doing anything to change it. I told Tim I was running away (joking of course) but inside I really wished at that moment that I could.
By the end of the night, I made the mistake of watching Extreme Home Makeover and Oprah's Big Give. I normally love these shows and they are weekly highlights for me, but this week, they just set me off. Some people just seem to have all the luck, while others of us have to beat our heads against the wall day after day after day, just to survive. The family on EHM was a family in WV who had 7 people in their family, not unlike my own. They lived in a very small house (that they owned). While my house is bigger than theirs, it's not mine. I can't afford to buy a house. Did this family deserve a house? Sure. They were involved in community activities and were always gracious about helping and serving. This is where I started to get irritated. How much have Tim and I given? How many times have we opened up our home for various people so they could 'get back on their feet'. The first couple who lived with us stayed with us at my parents apartment above their store. I had 2 kids, pregnant with the 3rd and they had 2 kids. We had 8 of us in a 1200 sq ft apartment, that smelled like fried chicken all the time cause the frier vent was right outside my door. When they left, they had infested my house with cockroaches, not something we are used to in the north unless you are D-I-R-T-Y, which they were. But I served and I gave and I did it willingly out of the love I had for people. God would want me to serve them in this way and help them get on their feet. They since have moved to CA, then to Alaska, where she had a 3rd baby, decided she had enough and left her husband and all 3 kids. I've heard rumors she's remarried and the kids are still with her Ex. :( So sad. I won't go into the other stories of people staying with us...the last for 2 years!!!! We've served our church back home more than most people ever did. There were times where we never saw each other because Tim was gone ALL the time doing things for the pastors. Again, gracious giving. He loved serving people and loved being part of something. At the end of EHM, they surprise the family by saying that someone anonymously paid off their mortgage. Not only did they get this beautiful home built for them, they got it completely paid off! Why them????
After that, Big Give came on. If you haven't seen the show it's really got a great premise. Oprah gives each person money and they have to go out and serve someone who touches them. There are some truly touching stories on it and the people are really blessed by the money they receive. One team this week took their money and was able to turn it into $200,000 in 48 hours to help an orphanage! One team turned theirs into $20,000 to help a soldier and his family. I sat there by the end, screaming at the tv. Where's MY help? All I want is my teeth fixed. I've begged and pleaded for years. I've prayed a dentst would come forward and volunteer his time and resources. Problem is, my story doesn't appear 'big enough'. My story isn't going to bring in the ratings, so you'll probably never see me on Oprah. Fulltime college student going to be a chiropractor, alongside her husband doing fulltime school at the same time for the same thing, relocate their family of 5 kids from Michigan to Georgia. Living 100% on student loans so everything we buy, every bill we pay, etc will have a 6% interest tacked on to it starting 6 months after we graduate....graduate with a $200,000 debt load EACH! And all I want is some major dental work done, but I'm on my own. I'm slowly feeling myself suffocating behind my smile. Everday when the other students (who drive Lexus and Mercedes and have perfect white smileis) that when they talk to me, they aren't looking at my eyes but my teeth. Are they? I don't know, but it feels like it. I am going to into a profession that professionalism and friendliness count, and I'm finding myself smiling less and less, all over something that could be fixed and corrected with a few thousand dollars. And dental insurance? Don't get me started on that! $1000/mo is all they allow and that fixes what? One root canal these days???
I know there are people far worse off than me. I understand that, which is why I've been one to give as much as I can. Shoot, several months ago I took my money and bought someone at school $100 worth of groceries. He's living on the same student loans that we are and it's just him and his wife, but something had happened and they needed help so I took it from my own money and gave it to him. I don't ask for much. I'm not asking for a house, a car, someone to pay my bills. I just want dental help, and no one is there to fulfill MY dream. :(
Ok, pity party over for today. I know this was a MONDAY Mourning and it's Tuesday but it took me awhile to decide if I ws going to really write it. There is so much more, so many places on this to fill in and change, but for now this has to do. I'm off to school to face another day of learning and hopefully bring a smile back to my face.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Got registered for next quarter
Seems like we just started this quarter, and now finals are 2 weeks away and next quarter is less than a month away. Next quarter is a bit overwhelming to look at.
Spinal Anatomy
Motion & Static Palpation (with a lab)
Instrumentation (with a lab)
Spinal BioMechanics
History of Chiropractic
Cellular and Neuromuscular Physiology
Intro Business 2
Muscular & Skeletal Gross Anatomy (with 2 'wet' labs where we dissect cadavers)
Clinic Patient experience 2
I don't even understand what half those words mean. LOL
Spinal Anatomy
Motion & Static Palpation (with a lab)
Instrumentation (with a lab)
Spinal BioMechanics
History of Chiropractic
Cellular and Neuromuscular Physiology
Intro Business 2
Muscular & Skeletal Gross Anatomy (with 2 'wet' labs where we dissect cadavers)
Clinic Patient experience 2
I don't even understand what half those words mean. LOL
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Tuesday Ten *3-4-08*
This one is going to be hard this morning. Let's see
1. I'm eating Cocoa Pebbles, one of my favorite cereals
2. I could LIVE on cereal
3. I started my garden yesterday. We are working on the tilling and planning right now.
4. I love thunderstorms
5. I'm ready for a break at school.
6. My mom is coming down in 2 weeks and I can't wait.
7. I'm addicted to MySpace
8. We register for our next set of classes on Thursday.
9. We start dissecting cadavers next quarter. Is it sick that I'm sort of excited about that? (Scared poopless, but excited).
10. I have to leave for school now.... :(
1. I'm eating Cocoa Pebbles, one of my favorite cereals
2. I could LIVE on cereal
3. I started my garden yesterday. We are working on the tilling and planning right now.
4. I love thunderstorms
5. I'm ready for a break at school.
6. My mom is coming down in 2 weeks and I can't wait.
7. I'm addicted to MySpace
8. We register for our next set of classes on Thursday.
9. We start dissecting cadavers next quarter. Is it sick that I'm sort of excited about that? (Scared poopless, but excited).
10. I have to leave for school now.... :(
Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday Mournings *3-3-08*
Can you believe it's already March? Where is this year going? This weekend was a BEAUTIFUL Georgia spring weekend and we northerners took full advantage of it. On Saturday we spent the day at Panera studying, as usual, but on Sunday, we took the family to Kennesaw Mountain. They did a great job hiking the steep, rocky trails, although there was a lot of complaining. Seth didn't want to take the bus to the top so we decided to walk it, and guess who was the first one complaining? Yep! Seth!!! It was sort of an odd feeling though, when I got to the top and really sat and thought about the irony. Here I was, a Northerner, standing behind a cannon that killed my ancestors as they came up the hill in the Civil War. What an odd feeling. For a brief moment, I wasn't sure whether I should feel pride as a Northerener or feel completely out of place in this state. I decided to just feel whatever came, and that was pride that times have changed and that there are no real dividing lines between the north and south (although pride runs deep on both sides, especially down in the south).
Next we went to the actual battlefield where they do Civil War re-enactments. We were sitting on the grass and again, I had that weird feeling. People DIED here! Of course, people have died all over this area, but there was something sentimental about this spot. Jacob picked up this big stick and was walking around making shooting and growling noises. It really made us laugh. He had no idea what had happened on this plot of land, but being all boy (even at such a young age), he was in the spirit of it. I've posted a few pictures of our weekend trip. It's one we will take many times while we are down here, I'm sure.
One of the views from the top. Atlanta is in the distance on the right and Stone Mountain in the distance to the left. Marietta is in the front.
Next we went to the actual battlefield where they do Civil War re-enactments. We were sitting on the grass and again, I had that weird feeling. People DIED here! Of course, people have died all over this area, but there was something sentimental about this spot. Jacob picked up this big stick and was walking around making shooting and growling noises. It really made us laugh. He had no idea what had happened on this plot of land, but being all boy (even at such a young age), he was in the spirit of it. I've posted a few pictures of our weekend trip. It's one we will take many times while we are down here, I'm sure.
One of the views from the top. Atlanta is in the distance on the right and Stone Mountain in the distance to the left. Marietta is in the front.
West Cobb Life
Interested in learning a little bit about where I live? I found this site listed on a message board in Panera Bread this week. It's a newer blog, but has some history and local events and flair about the county.
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