Do the 'impossible'
Walt Disney once said ""It's kinda fun doing the impossible." As homebirthers so often the views that others throw at us about our choice is that it is impossible. It's impossible that you can do it without drugs. It's impossible that you can do it without assistance from anyone. It's impossible that in that moment of pulling the baby out, that you can actually have the energy and desire to do it. It's impossible that you can actually have a 100% problem free delivery. It's kind of fun to do the 'impossible'. It's fun to prove them wrong and be able to educate them all at the same time. There is NOTHING impossible when you let your body work the way it was designed to work. There is NOTHING impossible about delivering a baby. While there are always complications that COULD arise, truth is they are rare and don't make for the impossible.
Knowing that everyone viewed my choice as 'impossible' made me more excited to accept the challenge and trust my body. There is an old Spanish proverb that says "To tell a woman what she can't do is to tell her what she can do". In other words, when rules and regulations are created to try to force women to all birth the same, the rise inside of women's souls will result in them doing exactly what it is you are telling them they can't do. To tell a woman she can't homebirth is certainly a challenge to many who will purposely birth at home just to show a point that a baby will come whenever and wherever it wants, whether a doctor is present or a not. Doctors don't deliver babies. MOMS deliver babies. Doctors just assist a mom in her delivery. A midwife or a husband or best friend can assist just the same. And if no one is there, the mom will still deliver the baby, for SHE is the one does all the work. No male doctor has EVER delivered a baby! EVER. He has never had a baby pass through his open cervix and out into the world. He has never felt the sensations of needing and wanting to push or of having that new baby put to his bare breast. And a male doctor never will deliver a baby. Pizzas are delivered by outsiders. Babies are delivered by moms. Next time you are asked by a well wisher "So, who will be delivering this baby?" Proudly say with a smile "I will be". Whether you have a doctor or midwife present or go completely unassisted, take pride in the fact that YOU will deliver the baby that is growing inside of you. More than likely, your doctor will just be getting in the way! ;)
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