Monday, August 21, 2006

My baby turns two today

Where does the time go?? 2 years ago this morning, I gave birth to Micah Timothy Perry Milano at roughly 5:30am. Here's his actual birth story.
OMG what an amazing experience!!! I woke up at 1:15 with my water broken. I wasn't having contractions yet though but decided to call the midwives to give them the "heads up". About 2:30 I guess, we decided to start filling the tub and called the miwives back. They started getting here about 3:30 (there were 3 here with us). We sat in the livingroom and watched the olympics and talked until about 4:45 when I decided it was time to get in the tub. The contrax were about 3 minutse apart at this point but getting intense. At 5:15ish I told them the contrax were right on top of each other and I was getting really uncomfortable and was constantly switching positions. At 5:28 I told them it was burning and baby was coming. There was a sheer moment of panic and they told my where to push "down there" to help avoid the burning. I did it ALL myself. The head started to crown and with 2 pushes it was out. When the shoulders presented, I pulled baby out of the water! The kids were all there with us and Tim pretty much stood back and watched. The midwives mostly sat on the bed and coached me. I did it all alone and it was amazing. We sat in the tub for a few minutes and waited for the placenta to deliver. It had already quit pulsing so Tim cut the cord. I then sat in bed with Micah for probably 20 minutes, nursed him right away and then handed him off when I was ready. He has an amazing suck already and is absolutely perfect!!!!Anyways, stats.....he is 7lb 12oz and 22" long!!!!! (I knew he would be long though)time of birth was 5:31am on the 21st.

It's amazing to think he's now 2! He is so much fun and ALL boy! He loves to run and run and run until he can't stand up anymore and falls flat on his face. He loves to jump off the furniture and wrestle with anyone who will wrestle with him. His favorite toys are his Little People playcenters. We don't even bother to put them away anymore cause we know that he's going to spend a big part of his day up in his room playing with them. He also loves to be outside, but will quickly take off so itsn't allowed past the back deck too often. Here's some before and after pictures of him when he was first born and him now.

I'll post the recent ones tonight.

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