Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Remedies for Morning Sickness

Now that you are experiencing some of the normal symptoms of pregnancy, you are probably also feeling some affects of morning sickness as well. You are probably ready to find a solution or feeling like you need to just 'give up' because you don't see an end in sight. What you are normal. Most women experience some sort of nauseau and other affects of morning sickness in their first trimester. A few will have it through their entire pregnancy. You are now scouring the internet, looking for a solution. Here are a few things that might help.

One of the best solutions found is ginger, which has been used as a remedy for thousands of years.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Unassisted Birth Info For Dad

If you are considering an unassisted homebirth, one of the biggest challenges that could face you is making sure that your significant other is on board with the idea. Men often have every possible misconception in their head about birth and are full of questions and fear about how natural of a process birth really is. For me, it was the other way around. My husband wanted me to do my last birth unassisted and I couldn't get over my own hangups about it. While I am not a fearful person at all when it comes to birth, I still had the nagging "what if's" that kept creeping in. I then had a couple different dreams that I was completely alone when I had my baby and decided I needed to prepare. I started educating myself about it and get comfortable with the idea. In my mind, it started to become the perfect birth to alone in my room, calling my husband at work a bit later to tell him that I had had the baby. The night I delivered, it turned out I DID have an unassisted birth. The birth happened too quickly and my midwife missed it by 10 minutes. I learned so much in that process that if I were to decide to have another baby, I would most definitely do it unassisted.

My story will probably differe dramatically from yours and you will need to help coax your husband along. You will need and want to work together as a team in the birth process more than likely and so having him in agreement on your decision is one of the first steps. Today while surfing online, I found that the unassisted birth site has a great section for fathers. This is a great point to start him on his journey! I hope that someone can find this link useful.

I look forward to reading your unassisted birth stories in the future!!!

Been MIA

Man, where have I been? I haven't posted in quite awhile...and I was doing so good too. I hope that I still have at least a couple people who will stop by here and read these blogs as I write them. I'm going to try again.

So, where have I been? Well, I think I mentioned before about us moving to GA in June so my husband and I can go to chiropractic college. Well, he left 7 weeks ago to start his first quarter down there, leaving me with 5 kids and to pack up our house and move. 3 1/2 weeks ago I got the house packed up in PODS containers and they are in storage and the kids and I are staying with my parents. Tim has really journeyed hard the last 5 weeks while in classes as he never 'learned how to learn' while in high school and is now learning that. He was so excited yesterday to get an A on his biology test. Not only was it an A, but he tied wtih one other person as the highest grade in the class and ended up setting the curve for everyone else! I'm so proud of him. He's worked so hard to get that A and has never before in his life seen such an achievement in school. It sounds so simple to most of us, but if you are one who has struggled with school, being given all sorts of 'labels' along the way and constantly fighting just for a C, you understand what he's accomplished in that.

Anyways, I'll be doing my best to get more things on here and keep this blog moving again. I'm really looking forward to writing in it again and hope that my readers will find this one of their normal stops in the blog world.


I've been bad

Man, where have I been? I haven't posted in quite awhile...and I was doing so good too. I hope that I still have at least a couple people who will stop by here and read these blogs as I write them. I'm going to try again.

So, where have I been? Well, I think I mentioned before about us moving to GA in June so my husband and I can go to chiropractic college. Well, he left 7 weeks ago to start his first quarter down there, leaving me with 5 kids and to pack up our house and move. 3 1/2 weeks ago I got the house packed up in PODS containers and they are in storage and the kids and I are staying with my parents. Tim has really journeyed hard the last 5 weeks while in classes as he never 'learned how to learn' while in high school and is now learning that. He was so excited yesterday to get an A on his biology test. Not only was it an A, but he tied wtih one other person as the highest grade in the class and ended up setting the curve for everyone else! I'm so proud of him. He's worked so hard to get that A and has never before in his life seen such an achievement in school. It sounds so simple to most of us, but if you are one who has struggled with school, being given all sorts of 'labels' along the way and constantly fighting just for a C, you understand what he's accomplished in that.

Anyways, I'll be doing my best to get more things on here and keep this blog moving again. I'm really looking forward to writing in it again and hope that my readers will find this one of their normal stops in the blog world.
